Proper documents and real claims guarantee a profitable sale

Proper documents and real claims guarantee a profitable sale

To make this happen, you don't need magic. All you need is a perfect set of documents and a realistic idea of how much you want to sell it for, advise brokers from Agrion, the largest agricultural company.

The first and most important condition is to have the right set of documents. Depending on how you obtained the property, these may include a decision to restore ownership rights to agricultural land, a notary deed of purchase and sale, exchange or donation, or a notary deed of establishment of ownership of agricultural land. If you have partition agreements or court decisions, include them in the general package, specialists advise.

After collecting everything, you can obtain the other documents needed for the transaction - certificates of heirs in case of a deceased owner, sketches, property characteristic certificates, and tax assessments.

Even if you are several owners, don't worry - the sale can be made by all owners, or a disposal of an ideal part can be made by just one or several co-owners.

An important detail is to have no encumbrances on the land - for example, it should not be mortgaged to a bank, have no foreclosure by a bailiff, and no right of use established on the property, comment Agrion's experts.

Be careful with tenant agreements - if you have leased your land for a long period, you cannot sell it at a favorable price. The other characteristics of the property are also important - such as right of way or laying, as well as other restrictions, warn experts from the largest land management company.

Have a realistic assessment of your land's value. If you ask for too much money, the chance of reaching a deal is almost zero. The reason is that land is an asset that needs to generate profit. When the value is too high, neither farmers who use it for production nor those who want to lease it can profit from it.

If you are unsure about all these steps, it's better to seek help from a specialized company like Agrion. The company can help with everything, including obtaining the necessary documents, absolutely free of charge.

The company offers completely free valuation of your land and invaluable legal advice on how to reach a deal.

This can be done through Agrion's website - and through the national phone number 0800 111 66.

The experts apply an individual approach to each inquiry to ensure a transparent and adequate price. Unlike other companies, Agrion does not use the method of average valuation for a given land area, which distorts pricing, but rather forms the price of the specific property in accordance with a specially created algorithm that includes various components.


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