A promotion from Agrion - BGN 50 above the market price per acre purchased

A promotion from Agrion - BGN 50 above the market price per acre purchased

From April 11 to June 15, anyone who wants to sell their land, can take advantage of the unique purchase promotion of the largest agricultural asset management company, Agrion. Till the middle of June, the company will pay BGN 50 per hectare above the agreed market price. This means that if the plots are about 10 decares, the sellers will receive 500 BGN each, in addition to the agreed price.

The other advantage is that this can be done almost entirely digitally.

If you have decided to sell or just find out the price of your land, you can do so here at no cost to you.

With these funds, we want to help the owners of agricultural land in a difficult time. Selling inherited agricultural properties is a way to supplement the family budget without seeking loans from banks or other institutions.

To this promotion, we also add a free land evaluation, as well as accelerated terms for receiving an offer.

To take advantage of the promotional offer for a bonus of BGN 50 per hectare, the owners must announce their fields (or ideal parts of them) for sale to Agrion, by 15.06.2022 inclusive, and the transaction itself can be completed and after this period. The bonus is only for owners, individuals. Transactions with intermediaries are excluded. Inquiries are accepted on the national freephone 080011166 or online here

Our experts apply an individual approach to each inquiry to guarantee a transparent and adequate price. Unlike other companies, Agrion does not use the average valuation method for a given plot of land, which distorts pricing, but forms the price of the specific property in accordance with a specially created algorithm that includes various components.

The most common reason for selling agricultural land is the need for fresh cash. According to national surveys, a large number of plot owners are ready to sell their fields instead of applying to banks for loans, where the procedure is heavy and difficult and requires various institutions.

Another main reason for the deals with agricultural lands is the unwillingness or inability of the owners to deal with the cultivation of the fields. A large part of the landowners live in the big cities and have no interest in cultivating their lands. Their lands are in remote areas and the plots are often the subject of bitter legal disputes between the numerous heirs. Owners who find themselves in a similar situation almost always benefit from the free legal advice provided by Agrion's experienced lawyers.

A survey shows that owners want to sell their land to companies that have proven they can take care of it, and therefore choose Agrion most often.

Agrion is the most recognizable agricultural land management brand for private owners. For nearly 75 percent of the land owners and over half of the tenants in the country, the company is the preferred partner to conclude a deal for agricultural land.


You can make an inquiry directly to our head office, by phone or email

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