Agrion is recruiting agents all over the country

Agrion is recruiting agents all over the country

Agrion continues to recruit agents nationwide. The company is looking for energetic, communicative  people with good social skills, who wish to work with the most recognizable agricultural brand.

All who want additional income are welcome to come to us. We offer the best commissions in the industry and individual additional rewards. Unlike other companies, we do not set a ceiling on commissions and guarantee thepayment of the whole amount earned by our agents. Additional incentives are foreseen when reaching certain levels.

Agrion does not place a limitation on the sphere in which its agents work or have worked. They can be real estate brokers, insurance agents, people offering quick loans or retirement benefits, car dealers, accountants, the unemployed, even without any experience. Those who wish can obtain additional information on the free phone number 080011166 or write to

All our agents will receive free initial training and full support from Agrion’s experts throughout the process. The company provides free legal advice and sales advice toagent’s potential clients and more.

According to agents who are already offering the services of the agricultural company, the Agrion brand helps them to make deals much easier. People recognize the name of the company and trust it, which greatly facilitates theirjob. According to a survey of property owners' attitudes, Agrion is the most trusted brand in the industry. More than 53% of the respondents are familiar with the company, and most landowners who choose to sell indicate that Agrión would be their preferred partner.


You can make an inquiry directly to our head office, by phone or email

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